Lead with Emotional Intelligence
Develop your Emotional Intelligence and raise your self-awareness with EQ Coaching to become a LEADER who INSPIRES and motivates people around you for maximum personal and professional effectiveness.
Improve your Emotional Intelligence with EQ Coaching
EQ Coaching is for you if you want to develop your leadership skills, enhance your business results, or make a progress towards next levels of personal or professional performance and success.

Emotional Intelligence is NOT about being emotional.

It is about a set of skills & competencies that help you cope with demands and pressure at work and in life.

It is about developing the ability to identify and manage emotional information in yourself and others, and learn how to focus your energy on specific, required behaviors.

Emotional Intelligence is also known as ‘social intelligence’ and the emotional intelligence skills and competencies complement a person’s cognitive and technical skills.
Understanding emotional intelligence is critical, especially as a leader.
Learn how to:
Perceive and express yourself
Develop and maintain social relationships
Cope with challenges
Use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way
So you can:
Become an outstanding leader
Be able o handle difficult and unpleasant situations in life and work
Cope with uncertainty in a fast-changing world
Manage complicated issues that arise within your team
“A leader’s intelligence has to have a strong emotional component.
A leader has to have high levels of self-awareness, maturity and self-control.
A leader must be able to withstand the heat, handle setbacks, and when those lucky moments arise, enjoy success with equal parts of joy and humility.
No doubt Emotional Intelligence is more rare than book smarts, but my experience says it is actually more important in the making of a leader. You just can’t ignore it.”
- Jack Welch, former Chairman and CEO, General Electric Co.
What is the result of well-developed Emotional intelligence?
Effective emotional and social functioning, which is linked to your well-being and happiness.
How do we achieve these results?
The 15 EQ competencies found in the EQ-i 2.0. Model work together to produce balanced emotional and social functioning and well-being.
A better understanding of yourself is connected to expressing yourself more effectively
It also creates more opportunities for stronger, better relationships with others.
By having high self-awareness and strong relationships you’ll be able to make better decisions.
Making decisions by incorporating your emotions can help you manage stress better - which in turn develops the potential to understand your emotional operating system.
Each EQ competency relies on and influences the others
Each EQ competency works together to create more effective emotional intelligence - none is more important than the other
What will you get by opting for EQ Coaching?
You’ll start the process by:
Completing an EQ-i 2.0 Self Assessment.
The results of the Assessment will highlight your strengths and point to areas for you to explore and develop your emotional intelligence. The report will also give you a detailed image of how balanced your 15 EQ competencies are.
You’ll get a debriefing session of your assessment with your qualified EQ Coach.
Because experts believe that in order to truly optimize the power of the EQ-i you need more than 1 session, you’ll get 2 more sessions in the DigDeeper EQ Package to give you the opportunity to create a plan that is right for you and tailored for your needs.
You’ll have the chance to continue your coaching journey and fulfill your action plan and even more with your qualified coach by opting for one of the DigDeeper Coaching Packages.
Why is this important?
Because according to research consistent one-to-one coaching sessions will ensure your continued progress towards reaching your goals.
Why EQ Coaching
EQ Coaching is focused
Regardless of whether you are in the process of
learning a new skill
transitioning to a new role in your business or in your organisation
or wanting to build your capacity, competency and become more confident, having a plan and the resources to fulfill your plan is extremely important.
How do you achieve this plan?
The EQ-i 2.0 Assessment provides you and your coach with important information about your strengths, abilities and competencies.
It also shows you where you need to focus your development.
With your coach, you will have an opportunity to formulate a plan, identify goals and embrace transformational change.
EQ coaching helps to accelerate the changes you are looking for as a leader.
Why do you need a coach?
Having a coach helps you stay focused and see things more clearly.
A coach helps you think, strategize and plan what you want to achieve, how you can get to where you want to be and get the results you want.
Coaching is a great support in keeping you on track, staying accountable to your goals and fulfilling your vision.
The EQ-i 2.0 Assessment is an excellent development tool for leaders
Leaders often have few people to speak freely with. Most of the time there are limited to no opportunities for thinking out loud, exploring new ideas or reflecting on challenging situations.

Having a coach you can trust to support you in exploring your leadership approach, gain insight about your relationships, and reflect on your thoughts and ideas is very beneficial.

Opt for the EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Report if you are part of a team, you are a manager, team leader or supervisor. Then make sure to work with an EQ Coach to gain insight regarding where to invest your time and effort to achieve excellent development results.

And learn how to lead effectively with Emotional Intelligence by using the Model of Emotional Intelligence first formulated by Dr. Reuven Bar-On that is licensed by Multi-Health System Inc.
Coaching is intentional development and growth
You opt for coaching when you are determined and ready to learn how to make an effort and do well in the complexities of work and life. So, regardless of whether you need a new perspective, clarity, or you want to learn to be more strategic, focused and intentional, by developing EQ skills with a certified coach you’ll find the tools and perspectives you need to become an outstanding leader.
“IQ by itself is not a strong predictor of workplace performance. While many professions require a certain degree of cognitive ability, once one is in a given role, emotional intelligence becomes the better predictor of success.”
- Diana Durek
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